3 Ways To Troubleshoot A Well That Won't Pump Water

When your tap water starts to sputter, or water pressure starts to dwindle, there are many reasons this could start to happen. Wells are not relatively complex systems, which makes finding the problem relatively simple. What's more, in most cases, the solution is typically less intensive and expensive than having to drill a new well.

1. Check Your Well's Parts

The primary component your well's system uses is a pump, and though the pump alone is not the only component in your well, you can search for the source of many issues by checking to see if your pump is working correctly. There are a few ways you can check out your pump on your own.

Make sure your pump is receiving power. It could be that your pump is fine, but simply isn't receiving power due to an electrical issue such as a tripped circuit or old or worn fuses. You can do some basic troubleshooting by making sure the circuit isn't tripped or replacing old fuses, and checking for a steady power supply using an ohmmeter.

Check the water level in your well by removing the top cover and using a flashlight to look down. If water levels are high enough, you shouldn't be able to see the pump casing. If you can see the pump casing, that means that the pump is sucking in some air along with water, or only air.

Check the pump's pressure switches to make sure the electrical contacts are in good shape. After long periods of use, they can weaken and need replacement.

If you aren't able to find any problems, it's time to call a professional to take a closer look.

2. Check Your Static Water Level

It's natural for groundwater levels to fluctuate, but there's a way that you can determine whether low water levels in your well are the result of heavy water use or something natural. You can do this a few different ways, but an effective method is to use an electric sounder or wetted tape to determine the level of water in the well. To make sure this test is effective, don't use your pump for several hours, then perform the test; this gives the well a chance to replenish to give you a more accurate reading. To be more thorough, perform this test multiple times over the course of a few days or weeks to check for any variations.

3. Have Your Well Rehabilitated

If your well is getting old, it can start to lose pressure and supply due to a slow buildup of contaminants or encrusting materials. These can have multiple effects, from preventing water from aquifers from entering your well to reducing the flow of water in your pipes and to your pump.

To fix problems like this, a contractor will do something called rehabilitation, which is designed to break away blockages and make it easier for your well to tap into underground water. If all your components are working properly and your constant water levels are normal, but you're still struggling to keep a steady water supply, call out a contractor for an inspection.

Depending on the issue, they can use chemicals to break up materials clogging your system, or bursts of high-pressure water. If the problem is found to be the result of a buildup of things like slime and iron bacteria, your system may be out of commission for a few days while the well water is chemically treated.

For more information, contact a company like Mike's Drilling.

587 Words

About Me

Focusing On Environment Clean Up When I started becoming more involved with my community, I realized that there were some big opportunities in the world around me. For starters, a local park that my kids had always loved really needed to be cleaned up, so I started spreading the word about getting outside and doing the right thing. It was really amazing to see how much better things looked when I was finished, and before I knew it, I was impressed with how many other people were helping. I know that people can make a big difference if they set their minds to it. Check out this website for awesome tips on cleaning up the environment.




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